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Do I have to sponsor for one kid's complete fee?No, we certainly understand the restrictions you might have and welcome any donations you might provide. We cumulate all the funds each year and use them to provide support to our students. Usually we do not, but if the funds are enough we request the sponsors to reach us the next academic year.
What are my options to donate?You can either click on the "Donate" button on the website or can donate in person or through checks. Your comfort is our priority. You can contact us and we could help you in the process.
Can I refer a kid to be taken up by RNN for support?Yes, we most certainly can work with you to see if a student is eligible to be sponsored by our organization.
Do I get the details of the student I sponsor?Yes, if you choose to sponsor individual child, we would be very happy to provide you timely updates of the student you choose to sponsor.
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